Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Some photos taken recently

Here are some photos I have taken during the last two weekends, where I went to Sapporo for japanese exam, and a snowboard trip with my classmates at Rusutsu. Please bear with me, as I didn't arrange these pictures in order.

Christmas decorations at Rusutsu Resort.

First time trying snowboarding at night. What amazed me is that it was warmer than day time.

My classmates and I
From the top of Mountain Isola at Rusutsu Ski Area. Not a really nice shot though.

Inside the サッポロファクトリー.

Santa Claus!! Taken outside the サッポロファクトリー.

Taken at the 札幌大通り公園.

This was taken at the University of Hokkaido, where I went to take my japanese exam. It reminds me of the Taiping Lake, with those trees surrounding the lake, making it a beautiful scenery.


Anonymous said...

see you later.

懿颦 said...


Kelly said...

Hokkaido is really a beautiful place.Given the chance would want to visit there again=)

Anonymous said...
