Saturday, September 22, 2007

Holidays again next week

Well, it is the end of the first semester. And i am going to have 5 days of holidays next week, from Wednesday to Sunday because of the 特別指導期間. If you failed to pass one of the exam paper, then you have to go to school for tuition and retake that paper. Luckily, holidays but not tuition is waiting for me.

At first, i planned to go around 北海道 during that period. Though it had been months since i came here, yet i didn't really go around 北海道 before. Just one day in 札幌 (main point was to meet Chua and Iva, not sightseeing), one night at 苫小牧 (stayed one night in Chua's room only), and of course 旭川, where i did visit the famous zoo, 旭山動物園. That's all. As for 釧路, 小樽, 富良野, 阿寒, 知床 and many other places, no footprints of my yet.

I was quite ashamed of myself on that day, when i brought Calvin and Jonathan going around 函館. That was only the first time i been to those famous places, those emblems of 函館. Especially the restaurant which only can be found in 函館: Lucky Pierrot. I am not sure when will it be for me to visit that restaurant if not of being tour guide for them. Walau, what was i doing all this long? Being in 北海道, yet i didn't use this advantage very well.

Ok, at least i have 2 and a half years more for me to really explore 北海道. But, sometimes things just don't go as you wished. Just as i was planning to go around next week, school asked us to go for medical check up at hospital! way but to wait for another time liao! Winter? May be i will go to 紋別 for the floating ice! Sounds very great! But it is said that the best time for that is around February, which is the time the school exam is held. Well, let's see about it. At least i will sure to go up to the 函館山 again to see the 函館市 covered by white snow! Yeah!

So, no travelling next week. Quite a lot of free time instead. Just like what i have mentioned before, i must use the time wisely. Well, any suggestions from you guys?


calvin said...

people from honshu also explore half of hokkaido already ler. haha, slow slow la. you still got plenty of time.

by the way, thanks for taking us around that day =)

Anonymous said...

train winning eleven,may be got chance to play with u again..
recently i found a free on9 game,got time go and try it..

Rule the seas...
a pirate related games.


Wee Kien said...

yalo recently got so many 3 renkyuu. But luckily dun hv 5 days long hldy like u.If not i oso dun hv sny idea where to go. haha....anyway im sure u got time to travel around hokkaidou 1 day. Jz wish u hv a nice holidays.

Anonymous said...

yaya...but you must take every opportunity.although you always think
you have plenty of time but if this is the excuse for you to be lazy,I'm
sure that's a regret for you at last.

these words is not only for you but myself too.

Kelly said...

Like you say,you still have 2 and a half years..Take your time..But Hokkaido is definetly a very nice place.Do explore..You won't regret..I love it there and enjoyed myself last summer..

lonehunter88 said...

aiya.. got so much time.. slowly enjoy lar.. not like us.. have to rush like hell to cover a few places.. haha..

and thanks for being tour guide the other day ya! hehe

btw, which lyk is that ar? i dont remember yankuang playing winning eleven.. yow keong ar? haha..